Tools we love, and tools we want to exist

When a number of readers emailed us to say “Where’s your tools page gone???”, our reply was “INTERestiiiing… we, erm, don’t know!” It literally disappeared from this site and we have no idea how to get it back again. Still, it was a good time to create an up-to-date list of everything we’re using right now, and remind ourselves just how grateful we are that they all exist. For example… Tools we love Without TorGuard, we’d risk our data every time we used a public wifi network. But more importantly,…

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Big fat update on all our businesses

Sorrrrry! It’s been a long time since we’ve written a blog post. It’s not that we’ve been out of ideas – just that we’ve been out of time. For the past couple of months we’ve been busy getting our acts together – focusing more than ever on doing the work that will be the most successful in the long term. When I last wrote an “update” on our lives and businesses, it was January 2014. So much has changed since then, and many readers have emailed to ask for a…

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Getting paid as a digital nomad: is there an alternative to PayPal?

The default option for getting paid as a digital nomad is PayPal: it’s easy and it’s ubiquitous, but it’s not cheap. Especially, as we’ll see later, when multiple currencies are involved. So is there an alternative? What method should you be using to get paid for your services? I’m not an expert, but I’ll run through the options we’ve tried and the challenges we’ve faced along the way. (We have a UK bank account and UK PayPal account, and work with clients in the US, UK, Australia and Europe. I’ve…

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10 more things I now know about Madrid

This time last year we spent a month in Madrid – afterwards declaring ourselves to be madly in love with it and predicting it to be the next digital nomad hub. Now that we’ve refreshed our memories with yet another month in the city (in exactly the same apartment as last time)… how does it rank? Is it just as good as we remembered? And how’s our prediction panning out? Here are some new things we learnt about Madrid this time around (or forgot to mention last time): The partying…

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The hardest thing about entrepreneurship

Every day, I spend about a minute logging what I’ve done that day into idonethis. When I receive my daily “prompt” email, the service also includes a snippet of what I was doing exactly three, six or twelve months ago. And more often than I’d like, it makes for depressing reading. While it’s great to be reminded of where in the world we were and what we got up to, the depressing part is what I entered for the “work” part of the day: often, it reminds me that I…

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